Cyber Hygiene Essentials

Cyber hygiene is about training yourself to think proactively about your Cybersecurity — as you do with your daily personal hygiene — to protect your identity, stop virus attacks and keep your data safe. A regular cyber hygiene routine is beneficial for two reasons, security and maintenance.
Maintenance helps your devices and software run at peak efficiency. Over time, files become fragmented and programs become outdated, increasing the risk of vulnerabilities. Routines that include maintenance are likely to spot many of these issues early and prevent serious issues from occurring. A system that is well-maintained is less likely to be vulnerable to cybersecurity risks.
Security is the main reason to follow a cyber hygiene routine. Hackers, identity thieves, advanced viruses, and intelligent malware are all part of our online world. While predicting threats can be challenging, preparing and preventing them becomes feasible with sound cyber hygiene practices.

Be Cyber Aware
Learn the bad guys tricks like: phishing and social engineering.
Learn the bad guys' tricks.
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Stay Up To Date
Update operating systems, devices and apps regularly.
Update your devices regularly.
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